Understanding University

Students across the school were recently treated a fantastic series of visits from student ambassadors representing Queen Mary University London (QMUL).

QMUL are the lead sponsor of University Schools Trust, the Multi-Academy Trust that we are fortunate to be a part of, and our students regularly benefit from this relationship.

The latest visit saw workshops tailored to different year groups:

  • Year 9: GCSE Choices
  • Year 10: Why go to university?
  • Year 11: Life at University
  • Year 12: Demystifying Higher Education
  • Year 13: Interview Prep and Preparing for Higher Education

While some students heard about ambassadors’ university experiences, both academic and social, others spent time designing their perfect degree and researching the options available to them.

Deputy Headteacher, Mr Boot, commented:

"We are unbelievably fortunate that our students have access to these types of eye-opening experiences.

Being part of University Schools Trust means our students regularly get to experience opportunities like this, where they meet current undergraduates and discover that university is a genuine possibility for them if they want it to be."